Located in de middle of the of the Mediterranean sea , at 8 Km. from Alcalá de Xivert and on the same municipality, on the seaside and with over 10 Km. of the finest sand beaches, with fresh water springs, boulders, some of them inside Sierra de Irta’s natural park considered as virgin.
Its history comes from the “Iberos” but due to its strategic position had witness all cultures that inhabit it. Visitors can enjoy great part of the legacy that is conserved here as the architectonic church named San Juan Bautista next to the bell tower and the parish museum in Alcalá.
The coastal defence towers in Alcoceber, Les Capelletes rout, the culture’s house or the market and entering the Natural Park Sierra de Irta’s heart, the Muslim castle of Xivert at the end of S.XI.
Its complementary offer can be defined as extraordinary with a magnificent pleasure harbour, scuba diving school, sailing school, horse riding and a great offer to have fun with restaurants to sample its magnificent cuisine, pubs, discos, side walk café, you can also practise golf in the nearby city of Castellón or visit historical cities such as Morella or Peñiscola, both very important fortresses where Benedicto XIII “ Papa Luna” lived or doing nautical guided tours to Columbretes island’s Natural Park or Vall D’Uixo’s subway river ( San José caves).
Its well known San Anton Celebration in January, or the February carnival, “La Festa dels Fadrins” on April 29th where cows are released, may processions to “Mare de Deu dels Desamparats virgin”, San Juan’s night on June 23rd , San Anthony celebration in Capicorb, citizen parties in August, Muslim and Christian on September, Santa Lucía’s celebration day on December 13.